Sunday Gatherings
We believe that the church is not first and foremost a building, an event, or a set of ideas. The church is a people united by allegiance to King Jesus. It is in and through this people that God continues his work of remaking and restoring humanity and all of creation.
The world needs all shapes and sizes and expressions of the church. For us, we find that we are best able to live out the vision and commands of Jesus by gathering as small communities in homes. It may not seem very impressive or innovative. And that’s intentional. We want to draw people to Jesus with Jesus for Jesus. Nothing else.
We currently meet on Sundays at 10 AM on the NE Side of Grand Rapids. Most weeks look something like this… After grabbing a cup of coffee we direct our attention to Jesus. We sing and pray. We read the scriptures, listening for the voice of God. The goal is not merely information but transformation. We want to put what we’ve learned into practice this week. Then we celebrate communion and sit down around a table to eat a meal together.
If you’re interested in finding out more about how we gather or would like to join us sometime, we’d love that! Click the button below to contact us and we’ll make it happen.